Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Literary Review #5

Citation: Gianoutsos, Dan, Dr., and Vicki Rosser, Dr. "Is There Still a Considerable Difference? Comparing Residential and Commuter Student Profile Characteristics at a Public, Research, Commuter University." "" by Gianoutsos, D.; Rosser, Vicki. College Student Journal, Dec. 2014. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.

Summary: The purpose of this article is comparing the student profile characteristics between residential students and commuter students at a public, research commuter university.  Using status attainment as the framework, researchers classified differences between residential students and commuter students.  Background information such as parents educational status, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity determined whether or not a child commutes to school or lives on campus. 

Author(s): Dr. Dan Gianoutsos and Dr. Vicki Rosser

Key Terms: academic achievement, college enrollment, educational aspects

Quotes: "Yet, higher education literature suggests that the two student groups possess inherent differences that stretch beyond their living location. In general, commuter students are a more heterogeneous population who are viewed, although somewhat less as research progresses, as being "disadvantaged" to residential students because they lack the opportunities offered by the residential hall experience"

Value:  This article shows that background determines whether or not you will live on campus or commute.  More research is needed to finish this study, however it is important to learn all characteristics that show the framework for commuting and residental students. 

#9 Counter Argument

My research paper focuses on commuting and dorming and their pros and cons.  My counter-argument to this research paper is that despite all the positive feedback about living on campus, there can be some drawbacks that hinder students in their studies when they do live on campus.  Although residential students are provided with computer labs, libraries, and parking, they cannot control who/where they live most of the time.  Being an on-campus student means living with a roommate, or on a floor of people.  This can cause disturbances in their studies, social life, or overall experience at a university. 

Armstrong and Hamilton talk about the downsides to living in an on campus apartment or dorm.  They say, *To flash forward briefly, only 38% of women who were socially integrated into the floor were, five years later, either at risk of a failed mobility project or downward mobility. In contrast, 64% of social isolates were, and the number would be even higher if leaving the university had not turned out to be a positive for many less privileged women” (108). 

This shows that although living on campus can be an amazing thing for students, it can depend on the individual and how they react to the specific environment around them.